Ting Wei | He Prayed to the Sky—And God Answered

Growing up, Ting Wei recognised that there was a higher being, a guiding force in his life. 

In 2016, his Christian friends had brought him to church, but he struggled to believe in Christianity due to personal self-loathing.

Ting Wei (second from the right), with his Christian friends who brought him to church in 2016

“I couldn’t love myself a lot, much less believe in a figure who could so wholeheartedly love everyone. I couldn’t believe in a God who would sacrifice Himself for everyone.”

A few years later, in February 2022, as his relationship with his former partner began to falter, he decided to pray to the sky for guidance. 

Within a month, Ting Wei received the clarity he needed, recognising that there was a God who answered and helped him.

This encounter with God piqued his interest in getting to know Him better. As a result, he began to ask his Christian friend, who often listened to worship music while studying, about various questions he had.

His friend took the opportunity to invite him to her cell group in May 2022, where he was later invited to Alpha.

Ting Wei (first from the left) attending cell group for the first time, May 2022

Ting Wei started attending Alpha in July 2022.

“When I first started Alpha, I was worried there would be a barrier to entry. I feared there would be a very steep learning curve, that everyone there already knew much more than I did, and that I was just a newbie going in blind,” he admitted.

To his surprise, he found the Alpha videos and discussions easy to understand while still providing him with the insight he needed. 

At Alpha, Ting Wei discovered that God was a personal and loving Father, which contrasted with his previous view of Christianity as merely a religion and God as just an almighty being.

“I used to think that God was an immensely powerful, untouchable being that we could not get close to. However, going to Alpha, listening to the videos, and hearing how my cellmates talked about Him helped me understand that God is a good Father who loves us. Though powerful and beyond our comprehension, He is also someone who truly loves us and wants us to love Him in return,” he said.

Knowing God in this manner made talking to God enjoyable and comforting. He knew that God would listen, care and love him regardless. 

In all this, Ting Wei was supported by his community of cellmates and cell leaders, who did not make him feel intimidated or judged.

Ting Wei (first from the right), with his cell group, August 2024

Their authenticity helped him to understand that he did not have to change his entire personality in order to follow Christ. 

Shortly after his Alpha run, Ting Wei decided to give his life to Christ. 

Ting Wei (first from the left), after completing his first course in church, June 2023

Now 27, Ting Wei has undergone noticeable changes since becoming a Christian, drawing the attention of friends and family alike.

“I think Ting Wei has changed quite a bit since he became a Christian. After seeing him over the past two years, he appears to be much more grounded and stable. He seems very confident and steady,” his friend shared. 

His relationship with his mother has also improved. What she sees as maturity, is simply his “obedience to God in honouring (his) parents”.

“I didn’t realise that what I believed were small internal changes within me had manifested so visibly that those around me could see them as well,” said Ting Wei.

Change happened as he finally embraced his identity as a child of God.

He shares his favourite lyrics from Allison Eide’s song, “Love Who I Am” :

“I wanna love who I am, not through somebody’s lens, but through the author holding the pen.”

Ting Wei in January 2024.

“I feel very loved knowing that God is watching over me every step of the way. I know that I’m not stumbling through this life, lost and confused on my own. I know that I’m truly loved and taken care of by him.” 

“I will do my best, and everything else will be provided by God. If it’s God’s will, He will open a door for me. An open door is His blessing, while a closed door is His protection,” he added.

Now living a faith-driven life, Ting Wei shares his favourite quote from Christine Caine to encourage anyone considering running Alpha: “Faith is predicated not on understanding, but on trust.” 

In his own words, he says, “Sometimes we think, ‘I cannot do it,’ but that’s what faith is. It’s trusting God to see you through your shortcomings and limits.” 

You can also read Ting Wei’s story on thir.st.

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