Alpha Buzz
Alpha Buzz
We love stories. The ministry of the Gospel changes lives and when lives are changed, there are stories to tell. We collect stories because we simply cannot help it! They are just too good! Over the years, we have been blessed to be able to collect stories from both guests and leaders on Alpha, The Marriage Courses and The Parenting Courses.
We love to share. It is a beautiful thing to share and we are always immensely blessed when stories are shared with us. We can, in turn, share those stories with more people. We trust that the story of each life transformed holds the power to transform yet another.
We believe that no story is too small to share. Everyone has a story to tell and we invite you to be inspired by the stories in these pages. We recognised that it requires boldness to share and we cannot thank each contributor enough for the stories that we have been entrusted to tell through these pages. Today, you are able to read these amazing testimonies of lives transformed because someone took the first step to share their story.
Taste and See
In 2022, Alpha Buzz was revamped as a recipe book that showcases the ingredients that go into making an Alpha run.
Here are some previous copies of Alpha Buzz
Contribute a Story
Have a story to tell? Or maybe you know someone who has one. Get in touch with us and let us help you share that story.