Alpha Singapore


Our humble beginnings in Singapore started in the 90s when the Alpha program found its way into the nation through the marketplace ministry. It was only in 2003 when Alpha Singapore was registered as a society and started to expand its ministry work through the churches, the workplaces, the Prisons and Halfway Houses.

Today, we continue our work in Singapore to equip and serve the church in its mission to help people discover and develop a relationship with Jesus through Alpha. It is our vision to bring on the evangelisation of the nations, the revitalisation of the church and the transformation of society.

Close to two decades since, we have seen a steady increase in the number of seekers who received the good news through the Alpha program. At the same time, new generations of leaders were raised to carry the torch of hosting Alpha as more came to explore the faith. We have seen how Alpha guests became Alpha leaders, and Alpha leaders became church leaders and community influencers labouring in the harvest field for His Kingdom.

We have been blessed to witness His hand at work in this ministry in good and bad times. When economies were booming and even when it fell, His steadfast love and fortitude weathered us through those challenges. Whether it was in times of uncertainty or times of rejoicing, His mercies have been with us all the way.

In 2017, Alpha Singapore was awarded the Charity Transparency Award for the first time. This award is bestowed annually to charity organisations in Singapore to applaud their excellence in governance and transparency. We then had the pleasure of receiving the Charity Transparency Award again in 2022 and 2023 consecutively.

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Over the last 3 years, amid the global fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, Alpha Singapore remained resilient and will remain steadfast to its mission. More than ever, the call to serve and equip the church with the relevant tools to share the gospel is imperative. The pandemic brought about many new opportunities for local churches to tap into the digital space and reach those who have yet to come. The biggest evangelistic opportunity of our lifetime is now.

The Alpha Singapore team stands united in His promise that the day will come when all will acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord. With this confidence, we chart the course ahead with boldness for the mission and meekness to His call.

We invite you, our friends, partners, supporters, and champions of His Kingdom, to join us in prayer. As your partnership brings us joy, it delights our Father even more so when His children are forged together in prayer. We continue to serve alongside you today and for all the tomorrows to come.

Your partner in Christ,
The Alpha Singapore team.

Help us share the gift of the gospel

Everyone should have the opportunity to explore a relationship with Jesus wherever they are in the world.
You can help us share this gift of Alpha, so that the good news of Jesus can reach more people.

Meet the Alpha Singapore Team

We asked the Alpha Singapore Team the following question:

If you could have a new ability or expertise, what would it be?”

Check out their answers below!

Angelic Cheah

Executive Director

I dream of having the “superpower” to be invisible. I imagine being a secret angel to give the gift of love through acts of service, and with that others can experience the fruits of the spirit which is joy; hope; peace and love. My heart is always for community outreach especially with children who are helpless and in situations where basic needs like food; education and health are lacking or compromised. 

Elizabeth Lee

National Coordinator

I desire to have the ability to innovate. To be able to birth into existence fresh and creative expressions of doing life, that enables people to thrive. So that we may live with hope and expectancy for the future.

Wendy Goh

Operations Manager

Emotional intelligence (EI) expert! I hope to understand and manage my own and others’ emotions. I would like to respond suitably and encourage myself and others to do the same. I hope to reflect Christ in everything I do and speak. I cherish relationships and believe that caring matters more than knowing.

Angelina Ng

Admin Coordinator

I hope to possess the unique ability to read the thoughts of individuals. With this skill, I can connect with people who are experiencing feelings of confusion or rejection, and assist them in their moments of struggle. I believe that this would enable me to alleviate the heavy burden they carry or bring them out from darkness. In return, I hope they feel God’s saving grace and pay it forward to those in need as well.

Ryan Lok

Ministry Coordinator (Youth)

Being an expert is overrated. I want to be a student in everything, with no stress of becoming the best at anything. There’s so much to enjoy in this world and I just want to be present in it all.

Elina Er

Communications Executive

Playing the piano like a master is my dream! I always loved the sound of the piano and admire those who can play the piano and sing simultaneously. I tried learning simple chords but still find it hard to multitask. I would love to flow in worship with an ability to play the keys with great ease.

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