Share life, faith, hope and Jesus at Alpha

What is Alpha?

Alpha is a resource churches use to create a space and culture where people are excited to invite their friends into a conversation about Jesus. The 12-week course and can be run almost anywhere, by Christians of all traditions – from a church to a cafe or online. All over the world, Alpha often leaves a lasting impact on its guests and church communities.

We estimate that over 25 million people have experienced Alpha in over 140 countries and in over 100 languages.

What does an Alpha Session look like?


Friendship and fun are essentials on Alpha. Whether in person over a hearty meal or virtually with a cup of coffee in hand, every Alpha session starts with a time to connect, relax and build friendships.

Having food and games together every week creates a space and culture for people to share life on a deeper level.


The Alpha talks are designed to engage people from all walks of life and inspire conversation.

Explore the big questions of life, unpack the basics of the Christian faith, and address questions like “Who is Jesus?”, “Why and how do I pray?” and “How does God guide us?”


A very important part of Alpha: the chance to share your opinion, and discuss in a small group. There’s no obligation to say anything and there’s nothing you cannot say.

It’s an opportunity to hear from others and contribute your own perspective in an honest, friendly and open environment.

3 Ways to Run Alpha

In Person

We were made for community. In churches, cafes, schools, workplaces, prisons, homes, anywhere people can gather, you can run Alpha.

When running in person, you can enjoy meals and games together, watch the talks, and lounge in a room to have a safe and honest conversation.


Did you know that Alpha is just as effective online?

Until COVID-19, Alpha was conducted in person. Now, churches all around the world are running Alpha online for people who are unable to meet in person. Connect with one another, watch the talks and discuss from wherever you are.


Alpha is adaptable. You can start an Alpha in person with full confidence that you will be able to pivot online should circumstances change.

By having a combination of people meeting online and in-person, we can keep going even if social group sizes change.

The gospel is 100% free. Alpha is too!

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